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Georgetown Jr. Sr. Highschool

Adrenaline whizzed through my heart and up through my head, forcing a scream out of my mouth without even thinking about it. "I'm UUUUUUUUUP!!!!" I screamed with a gurgle in my throat, crust in my eyes and hair wadded on top of my head carelessly. I rubbed my eyes and let out a huge sigh. There at the foot of my bed, bellowing out of my register vent, was the loud coat-hanger-cadence my dad so cleverly used to wake me up in the morning before school. It ratt-attat-tatted off of the metal duct work, through the vent, and bounced off of my ceiling; nearly every morning... and every morning I reacted the same... shocked; forgetting where I was, and being completely startled by my dad's habitual wake-up call. It was August of 1999. I picked out my clothes, likely a pair of bell-bottomed-flair-legged jeans, some shirt from American Eagle, my trusty brown grommet belt, and clunky brown shoes. I heated up my curling iron to curl my bangs, picked out a pair of small hoop ...

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..."This place remained my home..." Ulysses S. Grant